Affirmations for children

What are affirmations, and why are they important for children?

Self-affirmations are positive statements or self-scripts that can condition the subconscious mind to help you develop a more positive perception of yourself. They provide the ‘blueprint’ from which the conscious mind operates from. Affirmations can help you to change harmful behaviours or accomplish goals, and they can also help undo the damage caused by negative scripts, those things which we repeatedly tell ourselves (or which others repeatedly tell us) that contribute to a negative self-perception. Affirmations are easy to create, here are a few simple rules and examples:

Rule number 1: Always begin an affirmation as if it has ALREADY happened, or is ALREADY part of you. Use words such as “I am”, “I have”, “I always”, ” I can” to begin your affirmation

Rule number 2: You must not use the words “will” or “should” or “going to” in an affirmation. The word “will” means something is “going to” happen, which also means it HAS NOT happened yet. So when you use the word “will” you are actually affirming to your subconscious mind that what you want has NOT happened yet, and this will make it harder to attract. Your words must be used in present tense, not future tense. Similarly, the word “should” suggests something “might” happen. For affirmations to be effective, they require the use of definitive language, where it is black and white and there is no margin for error. If something has already happened, then there is no “might” or “should” about it because it is already DONE. This is the way affirmations need to be written.

Rule number 3: Affirmation increase in their power if they are HANDWRITTEN by the person they are going to by used for. So where possible, if your child is old enough to write, get them to write them out themselves. Not print them. Not text them. Not type them. WRITE them. This engages the subconscious mind alot more and more strongly ‘connects the wires’ of that belief system.

Examples of affirmations that both the child can use, and also parents should use in the child’s environment:

All I want to be is ME!

(a great response to the “what do you want to be when you grow up” question)

I am the BEST ME that there is!

I have the best ideas

I am the best friend anyone could have

I have so many friends

Everybody wants to be my friend

I control my emotions

I understand people

I care

My dreams are for me!

(this is great to use with a child that continues to seek external approval and validation. It helps them to believe that they don’t need anyone else’s approval, opinion or validation, because their ideas and passions are aligned with THEIR purpose, not anyone else’s, and therefore anyone else’s opinion or approval is irrelevant!)

I have a purpose

I am here for a reason

There is no-one like me!

I am a game changer

I love to be different!

The world needs me!

I am important

I make a difference

I create all of my experiences

Nobody owns my emotions except me!

I am a leader!

I choose to lead, not follow

I make my own decisions

I love challenges!

I always try new things

I am great at trusting myself

I have courage

My courage is stronger than my fear

I can do anything I put my mind to

I am the best at finding solutions to ANYTHING!

(great for the child who is easily defeated and has a fear of failure)

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