Teaching your kids to honor their feelings

Teaching your kids to honor their feelings, rather than distract themselves from them All of the baggage we carry as adults, comes from the unresolved emotions we felt as a child. Teaching your kids to feel their emotions, and to honor them exactly as they are will allow them to live a life of vulnerability […]
The best words to build your child’s self-esteem

Language that builds your child’s self-esteem Self-esteem is nothing other than self-talk. The way we talk when we talk to ourselves is what determines how we feel about ourselves. As parents, the words we use with our children is what programs their inner voice, and determines what they say when they talk to themselves. These […]
Get rid of plan B and the universe will work in your favour

Get rid of plan B and the universe will work in your favour! The only person who needs plan B, is the person who doesn’t EXPECT plan A to work. You set your intentions with your expectations, and the universe then manifests accordingly. Remember, the universe doesn’t give you what you ask for verbally, it […]
Integrity with yourself

Integrity This video covers an acronym for integrity. Being in integrity with yourself is essential in order to discover and progress on your life path, and also in finding peace and fulfillment in your life. There is no other substitute, and there are no shortcuts. Here is my acronym for Integrity, and the video explains […]
7 Rewards of pain

7 Rewards of pain There are so many rewards to pain. Pain is necessary. Suffering is a choice. Pain becomes the point from which we expand. It is what gives us growth, and allows us to rise to higher levels of consciousness. This video will help you embrace pain, and find new perspectives while you’re […]
Parenting Manifesto – What message does your soul have for your children?

Parenting Manifesto Parenting ON PURPOSE, from your heart… Your prayer, your wish, your soul’s message to your children… I was watching Oprah Life Class recently, and Brene Brown was talking about her parenting manifesto. I was so inspired, and so deeply touched that I decided to create my own. Boy was it a liberating, […]
“Make sure you colour OUTSIDE the lines!”

Teaching your children to PERform rather than CONform… Remember when you learned how to colour? It gave you so much freedom… you were able to create something. It gave you a sense of control, that you were able to leave your ‘mark’ on the world around you – albeit furniture, walls and anything BUT […]
Stop praising me – I need to learn how to live in the REAL world!

Stop praising me… I need to learn how to live in the REAL world!! We live in a culture where a certificate, a medal, a blue ribbon, a gold star, a trophy, or at minimum an enthusiastic “Good job!” has become commonplace and even expected when children participate in an activity, regardless of their […]
5 Love languages of children: Is your love being LOST in translation?

5 Love languages of children: Is your love being lost in translation? All aspects of a child’s development require a foundation of love. Sure, you love your child… but are you loving them in THEIR language, one they can understand and interpret? Sometimes, without realising, this can be the reason your child is acting […]
Nurturing your children through divorce – co parenting success!

Divorce is hard for everyone involved – but there IS a way to go through this process successfully! (Advice from one of Australia’s leading experts on this critical topic!) This topic is very close to my heart, because I became a child of divorce at 7 years old. My parents did the best they could, […]
3 steps to disciplining your child without killing their spirit

How to guide and govern your child’s behaviour so that THEY take responsibility for their actions and make more effective choices, AT ANY AGE – even toddlers!!! Imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you could only master the ability to somehow teach your child to become so conscious of their behaviour […]
The biggest well-kept secret to your success EXPOSED!!

How to increase the power of your mind to manifest what you’re asking for, “by accident”! Everyone on the path to “success”, who self-educate and study principles that govern success in any area of life, know that our lives are determined by the subconscious script that continues to play inside our minds, that tells us […]