5 ways to give your child more time when you don’t have time!

5 actions you can take today that will give your children the attention they hunger for, without needing to find more time! Yes, our kids demand our time, and I know, it’s exhausting to think where on earth we’ll find it. Our best intentions are there, but the pace of the lives we live today […]
How to love your child when you don’t have the time!

Your “love” is NOT enough – nor is just your time – so how do you win?? The heading of this article is likely to have already rocked the boat and got some readers “off-side”, and that’s ok, because at least I have your attention!! It might come across sightly offensive to those who find it more […]
The first 2 questions to ask when you pick your child up from school

The 2 best questions. . . conversations that matter! As parents, what is it we are ultimately wanting to accomplish in regards to raising our children? I believe the following points describe most parents We want them to feel loved, valued, and know they are good enough! We want to equip with them with the […]
The best way to handle conversations about “life’s challenges” with your children

We must use life challenges to TEACH, not PROTECT our children! Conversations about things that are challenging our children are tough at the best of times, because as a parent, we care, and when it hurts our children, it hurts us. But ultimately, I believe our responsibility as a parent isn’t just to ‘protect’ them, it’s […]
4 Steps to getting balance in your life RIGHT NOW!

Giving up a life of chaos for a life of balance! Firstly, what does balance mean? I believe it means being able to give each area of your life the attention it needs without it being to the detriment of other areas of your life! If I was to delve into the depths of this topic […]
Creating space for change

In order to bring in the new, we must create space by letting go of the old… That’s where most people fail… Not in wanting more, but in letting go of less… May you be a blessing to yourself right now, and decide in this moment to begin with the courage to “clean up” your life […]
Overcoming FEAR

It’s one or the other. . . FEAR or FAITH? They cannot co-exist! Truth. When you have faith, there is no fear. Fear can only exist in the absence of faith. Not knowledge, but FAITH. Faith exists not in what you ‘know’, but what you don’t know! When you feel fearful, you don’t have a […]
Why are you here?

Why should you discover your life’s purpose? The fruit is never for the tree. Apple trees don’t eat the apple fruit. Mango trees don’t eat mangoes… Your gift is not for you. It is for the benefit of those who will feed from your tree. If you’re not searching for your gift, or […]
The impact of true GIVING on your child’s spirit

Stop just putting gifts under the K-mart christmas tree, or in the Salvo’s drop box!! Every human spirit needs to know it makes a difference, including your child’s – significance is one of the six human NEEDS! We NEED to know we are important, and we need to experience the emotion that is reserved […]
Affirmations for children

What are affirmations, and why are they important for children? Self-affirmations are positive statements or self-scripts that can condition the subconscious mind to help you develop a more positive perception of yourself. They provide the ‘blueprint’ from which the conscious mind operates from. Affirmations can help you to change harmful behaviours or accomplish goals, and they can […]
Why “don’t” doesn’t work!

Change the word “don’t”, and change your life! It can be so exhausting being a parent, particularly when our kids continue to do the things we tell them not to do! But this isn’t happening “by accident”. In actual fact, when we tell our kids “don’t”, we are actually adding power to the behaviour we […]
Empower your child – 5 words to change in your vocabulary

Words are REAL things… choose them consciously and empower your children! Before I begin here, I must point out that I certainly wasn’t born with all the knowledge I have regarding parenting today. Just like you, I was programmed too. However, after beginning my own personal development in my early 20’s, I became very conscious of […]