Using “life” to teach your children about leadership!

Do life and leadership together! I don’t believe that discussions about life and leadership need to be scheduled or lectured to our children… the root word of leadership is LEAD… which is a VERB, not a noun… it’s a DOING word. Which means, in order to teach leadership effectively, particularly with children, it isn’t something you […]
You’re not just the parent, you’re their LEADER!

Becoming conscious of how we program the subconscious mind of our children Think about it, as parents, we literally are the “electricians” that wire the ” emotions” of our children. When your child had just learned to walk, and they fell flat on their face, he/she looked up at you with a puzzled look on their […]
We’re not raising “children”, we’re raising adults!

Before I begin making my point on this article, I want to start by giving you my belief system, so that you understand why I feel the importance to share this message… I believe every single one of us is a born LEADER… every single baby is born screaming and demanding for everything it wants, […]
Give your kids guidance, NOT advice!

Their ‘internal guidance system’ will serve them better than your ‘parental guidance system’ ever will. Teach them how to be conscious of it. Today was a big day for me! After resisting any encouragement from friends, persistent nagging from my husband, and even attempting to ignore the feeling inside my spirit pulling me in this direction, […]
The fruit is never for the tree!

Life is not an accident. You are here ON PURPOSE – but are you “ON purpose?”, or are you living “by accident?” I must say, I believe I have one of the most incredibly impacting mentors that anyone could have in their life. I don’t believe ANYTHING happens by accident. I believe life is all ON […]
What if I Fail? Oh, but what if you FLY?

Wow… Take a moment to let this resonate with you. Don’t just “read” it, FEEL it! You know, when a bird sits out on the end of a limb, it’s feet resting on a tiny twig, it is in a complete state of peace, even though the twig below it’s feet could break at any […]
Dealing with negativity towards your positive mindset

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it only empties today of its strength. It is necessary sometimes to remove people, habits and thought processes that do not serve you in order to create space for the people, New behaviors and thoughts that WILL serve you! I can’t tell you the “key” to success, […]